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Climate Chamber

Temperature Controlled Module Enclosure

Option for BERGER tunnel systems

Available as an add-on to all BERGER PSS 8 tunnel systems the environmental test chamber offers a compact solution for testing modules at different temperatures. A module positioning unit for fast adjustment to different module sizes up to 2.0 x 1.2 m is included.


Product Specification

› Temperature range according IEC 61215-1, 61215-2 between 15 °C and 75 °C
› Temperature uniformity of module ≤ 0.8 °C
› Rapid change of temperatures
› Designed for 24/7 performance
› Software for automated recording
of temperature profiles included
› Module positioning for modules
up to 2.0 x 1.2 m included
› Multiple thermocouple system
for temperature tracking included

* Depending on external cooling


Technical Data

Mechanical Data

Weight: 200 kg
Dimensions: 2500 x 2400 x 180 (H x W x L in mm)
Max. Sample size: 2080 x 1600 mm


Module temperature: 15 to 80 °C (max. range 8 – 90 °C)

Electrical Data Heating

Voltage: Three Phase, 400 V
Frequency: 50 Hz or 60 Hz
Power: 6000 W

Electrical Data External Cooling

Temperature: down to 8 °C*
Power: 2500 W
Dimensions: 650 x 1115 x 430 (H x W x L in mm)
Weight: 50 kg

*special measures might be necessary to avoid condensation